Saturday, July 26, 2008

last day in haiti

hard to believe that tomorrow we head home. I apologize for not updating more and with pictures. We have had very little time to blog and when i did it was hard to put things into words.
This was probably one of the best trips i have been on yet. i will be writing more after we get home. Thank you all for the prayers. Amy, i know your knees must hurt by now! your prayers were VERY much felt and we have so much to tell you!!! Thank you for the emails too that you sent us and the cautions. It is so wonderful to have friends that listen to God's voice and are willing to warn at any costs!! VERY much appreciated!!!

Thank you michelle for picking us up! We appreciate that so much. We are heading to port in two waves. 6 of us head out with Troy in the morning and we are headed to a cafe in port while Troy has praise team practice. The rest of the group will leave here at 8 with Tara. We have two many people for one vehicle with the luggage. i get to head out with the first team. it will be a day of tears as we leave good friends that we have made.

We had a huge thunderstorm go through a while ago and now we are going to walk up to the cross to see the lighting that is over the Caribbean.

love to you all!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Bible school was awesome today!! We had the Barbencourt kids. They are incredible. Their singing is unbelievable.
The pictures above were from Sunday at the church in La Digue. It has been tough for me to get pictures up but I will keep working on it.


I am trying to post a few pictures. Yesterday was a beautiful at the beach. A few people were stung by jellyfish. They were everywhere. They were so pretty too look at but they do hurt. Such a strange sea creature. We had a very nice dinner at the resort and I had chicken creole. Yum! It is a spicy sauce like you would have on spicy chicken wings. Which you all know my favorite food is chicken wings! :)

Today we are doing VBS for the Barbencourt kids. It is amazing at how well it is going. The one on the mountain was a ton of fun but I felt so out of it. Someone told me that was due to the high altitude. I never even would have thought of that. The ride down the mountain was one of the scariest things I have ever done. Picture a truck going down a donkey trail with no barricades on the sides of the road and you can look right over the edge and see down the mountain. wow! Talk about trusting God. Amy and I said bible verses a lot of the way down. The view's were so beautiful but quite scary!!!

Pictures are not loading properly. I am sorry but will try again later.

Thanks for the prayers that you all have been saying for us!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hi from Haiti

yesterday was a tough day and an amazing day. Tammy had a great post so for those of you who have not seen it can understand the day. The truck ride up and down was probably one of the scariest things i have ever done. picture a mountain path not really meant for a truck. We were very close to the side quite a few times. it was beautiful though!

here is what Tammy wrote:

Hello everyone! We are having a wonderful time in Haiti. The VBS has gone very well so far, and we are managing to handle the heat.Today was a really hot, exhausting, emotional, awesome day! Some of us rode in the truck, while others from the team hiked up to Petit Bwa. What an experience! The road was REALLY rough! In the cage of the truck it was Brenda, Diane and I; along with Robensen, Pastor Rony, and Patrick. It was very cramped as we were in the little truck and had all of the VBS supplies with us as well. I am very afraid of heights - especially riding in the back of a truck on the edge of a mountain with no guard rails. The road was all rocks with some huge holes. At one point, we almost tipped over. We were thankful that God placed two Haitians right at that spot. It took them, along with Adam, Robensen, Patrick and Pastor Rony, to hold the cage of the truck up so we didn't all tip over. As the guys were holding up the truck, Troy gunned it and made it up. We found out later that the wheel of the truck on one side was completely up in the air. Needless to say, we were doing a LOT of praying!After we reached the top of the mountain, we started VBS. It went so well. This was such a great group of kids. After VBS, we handed out candy and Bible story books to the kids, and Bibles to the adults. We took a short break to drink a coke. (Somebody up there just happened to have a case of it). Unfortunately, there was a mix up with our lunch. Adam (the other missionary) was supposed to bring lunch up for us in the truck, but he forgot it. Oops!! We were a little hungry, but we pooled our snacks from our backpacks and we managed just fine. After our break, some of us went into the village to pray with some people at their homes. This has definitely been the highlight of the trip so far. We prayed with several people and gave them Bibles. The village witch doctor saw us praying and was curious. He asked if someone could come pray with him. We went to his house and Pastor Rony and the village pastor talked to him for quite awhile. At that moment I was thinking that we should be praying for the blood of Jesus to cover the house and rid it of evil. All of a sudden the pastors started singing and we realized that they were singing "Power in the Blood", so we all joined in (in English of course). After the song ended, the man dropped to his knees to pray. In Haiti it is the custom that everyone just prays all at the same time, so we all prayed for him, and he accepted Jesus as his Savior. It was absolutely amazing and had most of us in tears. You could just feel the power of God there! We decided that if this was the only thing we did on this trip, it would be worth it.I did hike back down the mountain. It was very, very hot, but the hike down was beautiful!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

petit bwa

it is 6:21 am and half of the team is departing for the 2 hour walk in the mountains. I have much glee that it is not me!!! :) Nathan is leading this trip up and pray for them that they stay cool, and that they will not be too exhausted. The rest of us will be riding with Troy and Adam in the truck. We hear this is not such an easy ride so please pray for all of us as well! :)

We will be doing a 3 hour bible school and then will be going out into the villiage to pray for people and to hand out bibles. We will probabably be back around 5:00pm. This is a new place for me and i am excited to meet these new people and share Christ with them.

last night was hot sleeping so a lot of us did not get the sleep we needed so pray that we all stay calm and cool. The team has been getting along well together and there has been no problems.

Amy K. We have been praying for you at the prayer walk! We thank you for your worn out knees!!

Tomorrow is the resort and i believe after today it will be much needed!!! I am not sure what it is about this place but i just LOVE it here. it is so peaceful and its sooooo beautiful. Even with the heat.

I do not have any pictures loaded up yet but as soon as i can on Tiffany's computer i will work on getting them loaded. one of my friend's kathy told me that she is surprised that there is internet here. yes, it surprises me too. it is a satelite service and this week is working very well. it always amazes me that the villagers have no food but they have cell phones.

until later.........

Monday, July 21, 2008


Sunday was a nice quiet day. I hope to add my own pictures soon. however for now you can go to this blog and read about some things that happened during the day. We had an awesome storm go through last night and the lightning was just beautiful.

Go here:

We are in the same house as the new missionaries Adam and Amber. They are a very nice couple and we have been having a good time getting to know them better.

Thanks for all the prayers and keep them coming!!

nikolas, heather, katie, hannah and Caleb. miss you tons!!!!

Today we start our first day of Vbs. We will probabaly have between 150 and 200 kids so pray that the chaos will be limited! :)


Sunday, July 20, 2008

We have arrived!

At almost seems strange to be back in Haiti! When we stepped off the plane we had a beautiful breeze that could only have come from God!!

We had only one small delay in Chicago but it was only an hour and since we had a 2 hour layover in Miami it wasn't a big deal. Everyone on the team did really well! Our plane took off from Miami right on time and that was another blessing from God because this is probably the first time in months that that flight has left right when it was supposed too!!! Thank you, God!!

Everyone else is sleeping at the moment but the sun is coming up and it is beautiful. We start the day going to church on the mission grounds. Pastor Rony is the preacher there and Nate will give a short message. Looking forward to finally hearing him. The team is doing great!! Jen with her broken arm is doing really well for those wondering. She has tons of help!!!

Thank you for the prayers and keep them coming. Tommorrow is our first day of Vbs here in La Digue. We will probably have around 150 kids but possibly more!

Nikolas, katie, heather, hannah and Caleb. miss you like crazy!!