I am not even sure if anyone is checking this anymore but I really apologize for the delay in updating?
Things have been very busy but very good at the same time!!
Hannah is adjusting beautifully. Her English is really coming and she starting to use short sentences.
Last saturday she got her ears pierced. She wanted them so bad and we kept explaining to her that it would hurt but she didn't care. She didn't even flinch when she had them done and when she looked in the mirror she just squealed with delight!!!! What a joy. I am bummed that we did not have our camera as we did the spur of the moment.
We did finally get a family picture done. A very good friend of mine (we have been friends since Kindergarten) went out and purchased matching outfits for all the kids!! The kids looks so cute!!
Hannah has done so many firsts!! She has been camping, horseback riding, tubing behind a boat, She swims like a fish and just loves it. She loves trying everything and just giggles with delight over all of it. If it sounds like I am gushing its because I am!! I can't believe that we almost said No to this adoption. I am thankful that God intervened and said "Yes, you are"!!
Don't get me wrong she has her moments like all kids do. However she does not scream. She cries very softly and when I give her a time out she actually sits there and stays. amazing. After a few minutes I ask her I make her go and apologize and hug the person that she was not nice too and she does this very willingly and on her owns says she is sorry and gives them a big hug. I tell her I love her and she gives me a big smile and goes on her merry way!!!
Summer is flying by. Hard to believe we have been home almost 7 weeks.
We keep telling Hannah about school and she laughs and says NO NO!! I laugh and say YES YES!! I know she has no idea was she is in for and it makes me a little nervous but I think she will really enjoy it!! At least after the first few days of getting used to things.
Okay my picture is not loading properly so I will have to try again next time.