I have been home from Haiti now for 5 days. A lot of people ask me if I am happy to be home. Yes, I am happy to be in my house in the states with my kids. I love being with my friends and my family. However 3/4 of my heart is in the country where God has asked us to serve at this time. When we go back we are asked all the time, "where have you been, we watched for you to come every day". I feel alive in Haiti, It feels right. At this time God has not called us to move to Haiti full time. He has asked us to do extended stays. We are thankful that Nate has a job where his bosses let him off and understand what is happening. We are thankful that we have children who are just as excited to serve in Haiti as we are.
Will God call us to move to Haiti? Maybe... We are constantly discerning this. We have been asked by several families that we love and trust in Haiti "when are you moving?" They are praying for us to hear clearly either way.
There are days I want nothing more than to move there. Every day I feel God there and know what he wants us to do. Some days here I feel like it is a struggle. I feel free there. For those of you who have been on mission trips you understand what that feels like.
We know God will make it clear and we just have to be obedient. The waiting is the hard part. We just want God to use us where ever he has us.
My kids have a teacher at school that is a wonderful Christian man. He has helped my kids so much through hard times. Yesterday, Heather, told him that her brother says Hi. He asked who her brother was and she said "Nikolas". He says I did not know he was your brother. He then told Heather what a Godly young man he is and was excited to find out they were related. He then asked Heather to pray for a friend of his who was to lead a team to Haiti and found out his daughter has Leukemia. What made me smile is that he knows he can come to my children to ask for prayer! :) Thank you, Jesus for children who love you and are willing for the children and teachers to all know just how much you love their Lord!
I feel like I am rambling today. I have so many emotions going through me right now and so unsure of how to put them in order. Each time we go to Haiti and come back it gets harder to adjust back into this life. I probably feel a little more emotion as today I am going to the funeral of a wonderful 94 year old woman who was such an inspiration to me. She also loved Haiti with all her heart and I would love to just sit down and spend time with her. She also "GOT IT".
Thanks to all of you who are supporting Ebenezer with your time, prayers and finances. We cannot even begin to tell you how appreciative we are of all of you!