This is from
DawnSOkay - I will jump in on this action!
1) Which of your kids is the most bossy or ummm... the best leader?
This is a great question. I would say Katie will probably be the best leader. She is NOT a follower at all. We just pray that she will be a GOOD leader.2) You mentioned (or Nate did) about so many different mission trips going to Haiti, but that if trips and projects could be coordinated so much more could be accomplished with each trip... is this something that you guys are actively working on?
Our main purpose in the different trips is to continue to build relationships. This is SO important. Each time we do a VBS trip we focus on a different topic. Last year it was that in Christ we are ALL one body. This year it will be focusing on showing the children that they are disciples too and can spread the gospel. Also it is to make new contacts and visit different places so that we can further Christ's kingdom. Haiti has a lot of missionaries but A LOT of them focus on the Social justice and not on Christ. We know from experience you have to do both.
Also on having different mission trips it is so that different people can come down. It not only changes things in country but it changes the person forever and they come back ready to share Jesus with their own friends, families and co-workers. It has been amazing to watch how people change upon coming home. Now with the new Ebenezer training center most likely it will require more trips so that we can bring local Haitians down to help train the Haitians pastors.
We have wondered even about moving down their for a short time but we truly feel God calling us to continue to lead the short terms trip for this time.
Great Question! I hope this helps explain it. If not let me know!
3) Things are really tight ($) with us right now, but we would like to help out for your next mission trip. Is there anything that you could use/take with you that we might be able to send you?
The thing that is really needed in Haiti is Bibles in Creole. They are hard to find in the states and are pretty cheap in Haiti. What some of the kids here do is have bake sales and donate the money for bibles and things we can buy for the Haitians in country. That has turned out so well. We had a couple special young people raise almost $200 just doing bake sales. We then wrote down the name of each person that got a bible so that they could pray for that person or family. It was really neat. Clothes and shoes are tough to bring down to Haiti. It is hard to carry as we can only each have 1 suitcase now because of space issues. It is a possibility we may need some VBS items. I will sit down with Nate and see what else he thinks!4) Do you plan to be in the Alabama area anytime this year? :)
You do not know how much I would LOVE to travel down to see you guys. I would LOVE to see Hanna and meet Riley. 5) What country will your next child come from?
Funny! :) When and if God tells me I will let you know!! :) (Sorry I just couldn't resist that last one and I am totally cracking myself up right now - this is loving teasing ya know :))