Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Haiti Video

I just found this on youtube.


Cheri said...

I was reading Licia's blog this morning and saw the devastation. Incredible destruction and such sadness for these people who already have nothing.

Cherdecor said...

I was trying to visualize what it might be like in Haiti this morning. Our friends' son and family are in Haiti and they haven't heard from them. I am concerned and for the people there.

Diane said...

What a great post Brenda! I think God is calling so many of us to not only reach souls for Him but to make others AWARE of the purpose we are put on this earth!

Mari said...

Thanks for posting this video. It really brings this home.

The Jeltema's said...

Thanks Brenda....Denny and I sat for quiet sometime in silence after reading several blogs and understanding the fullness of what is happening in Haiti right now. Our hearts are breaking and feeling desperate to get Roudfaelle and Mackenson home and yet wanting to "rescue" was a long night and I found it hard to sleep knowing that there are so many people that have lost everything! and have nowhere to go. We know God has not forgotten them, but WE are His hands and feet! Love you