Monday, September 24, 2007

Well my dear friend Cheri has tagged me for 10 things that make me smile.

1. Jesus

2. My kids actually getting a long with each other and using their imagination

3. Getting together with friends on Tuesdays.

4. Tammy B helping me with Kingdom cove!! Yes that gives me a great big smile.

5. The friends that God has given me in the last 3 years!! Wow! God you are so good to me!!

6. Getting away with just my husband. (It would make me smile if it ever really happened.)

7. Fall is my favorite time of year. Cider, Pumpkins, donuts, apples! YUM!!!

8. Our praise team at church!!! They Rock!!!

9. dancing, singing and acting crazy with the kids! They think were nuts but is fun!!

10. Camping in the fall with the family.

I am tagging Tammy B, Kathy F, Kim J get to work girls!!


Anonymous said...

oh sure, i see how it is. you don't put me on your list but i make you smile all the time... but i don't know how, because i never do. they say smiles are contagious, but i guess i am just a happy person without smiling... lol. did you see my jibjab yet? i have a comment on there, but i didn't read it yet, so i didn't know if it was from you or not. lol. i'm going to go read it now. good night mhc.

Anonymous said...

okay, i just read your comment, so never mind that last part of my previous comment. you can steal it for your blog, but it's gonna cost ya! lol. i'm just kidding. i was thinking about making one with jeanbeauvis and ti-pap and merillean and joelle and maybe some other people in it, but that wouldn't look very good, because in case you didn't notice yet, all the people on there have white skin. it would look dumb. i think they should have some of the dancers have black skin in them. that would be smart. okay, my brother is waiting for the computer so i guess i better get off now and go to bed. lol.

<3 wednesday <3

Unknown said...

What a perfect thing to have me think about today! I've had a particularly crappy (is that politically correct?) day. Ever had one of those days when everyone you have to deal with gets on your last nerve? Ugh!

OK, focus on good things…

1. Knowing there is a God, the He loves me no matter what! (even when I have days like today)

2. My husband…he’s a good one! God has truly blessed me with a good man!

3. Our little Anya…only God could have perfected a union like the one we have with that little one! It still amazes me how much she looks like us and acts like us…and I didn’t birth her – and she is still living in the orphanage! Her laugh, her smile, the way she mimicks everything I do. Pretty much everything about her makes me smile.

4. Good friends – who will listen to you gripe and feel your pain, and love you anyway (and then probably pray for you!)

5. Yes, I love the worship band at church, I love the worship music my hubby has made…but ya know, Bon Jovi REALLY makes me smile :)

6. Great shoes – ok, seriously – I love shoes. I think it is a sickness. Better than therapy, healthier than mood-altering drugs. I guess my awesome job should make me smile too - so I can buy great shoes! (seriously, I do love my job!)

7. Fall – I do love this time of the year – when the air is cool, and the sun is warm (but not as warm as it was today…93 the end of September is nutty!)

8. Relaxing in the pool with my hubby – the only time we’re not working it seems…our cheap little above ground pool is the best investment we’ve ever made!

9. Laughing and being silly…I don’t take myself too seriously, so I love being around other people who don’t either.

10. The amazing things that God is doing – things I don’t even know about and can’t see…I guess the ‘end of the story’. That makes me smile with tears in my eyes.

Cheri said...

Love the list- good job!

Anonymous said...

thought you were gonna update... lol.

Anonymous said...

when are you going to update?!?!? i am sick of waiting for you! lol. just kidding... i love you. lol. ok, i gotta go take a shower and get off to bed so i am not so tired and ugly in the morning. ha ha. just kidding. lol. good night, good morning, see ya at church tomorrow hopefully!

Anonymous said...

well thats just terrific. and you know i would buy you a laptop if i had that kind of money and didnt put all my extra money towards haiti trips. lol. you could have told me you were camping. and you know what? you are home now AND YOU STILL HAVENT UPDATED!!!!! lol.

Zaankali said...

I was coming here to comment on the fact that you are behind but I guess Tori has covered that - REALLY WELL!!! Smiles!

Anonymous said...

HEY! i take offense to that! lol. i know, i just like reading updates and i also like to bug you about not updating, so i do. its fun. so sue me... lol.