Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Frederic Meijer gardens

Our bank was kind enough to give our whole family a pass to see the Christmas trees last night at Meijer gardens. They were so beautiful! You will love to know that I forgot my camera. Sad isn't it. Sigh. I just don't know what to do with myself.

I found a few pictures on the internet but they will not show up for me so I have this one lone picture. It was so pretty!! It would be have been expensive if we had to pay for it ourselves but if you ever have the chance to go for free it is really beautiful. It has trees from all the different countries and the kid love finding the trees from Russia and the US. Unfortunately China does not do Christmas trees but they did have little display of things for the Hannah to look at.


Cheri said...

It looks gorgeous! I'm so bummed that we didn't go last night- I just didn't know what to do!
Glad you had a good time. I'll just pretend that I lived last night through your eyes!

T♥RI said...

That is so cool that they have trees from all the countries. Too bad that China didn't have one though. It is also really cool that "the Hannah" and Nik and Katie got to see things that came from the countries they were born in. AWESOMEEEE!

Mari said...

I have heard this is really beautiful, but have never seen it. Glad you enjoyed it.

Diane said...

Must be nice to know the right people to get freebies! I'm glad you got to go with your whole family though - you deserve it!!

I agree with Tori that it's pretty cool that they have trees from other countries. That would be interesting to see.