Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Book written by an birth mom/adoptive mom

A friend asked if I would post this on my blog!! If anyone is interested please click on the link below. All the proceeds go to Bethany Christian Services.

Hi Bethany Family, I’m posting this to several boards to let you know about a wonderful book written by one of our own Bethany moms. The book is called The Perfect Present and was written by Gayle Opp. Gayle is a birth mom and an adoptive mom (domestic, China). I love this picture book because it can be used as a springboard to talk with my daughter about her birth mom as well as her adoption into our family. Gayle used paper doll cut-outs to illustrate her book, and several of the dolls could represent various children from around the world (i.e. not just Caucasian) making this picture book suitable for domestically and/or internationally adopted children. What sets this adoption book apart from others is how Gayle points children to Jesus and how God gave us His only Son. She also includes her own story on the last page of the book (keep a Kleenex handy!). You can see some sample pages from Gayle’s book here: (scroll to the end of page 2). You can order Gayle’s book from Bethany here: (Gayle is donating 100% of the book sales to her local Bethany office.) Thanks for taking a look and supporting a new author/illustrator and Bethany!

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