Friday, October 19, 2007

What kind of chocolate are you??

Laura inspired to me to do this!! This what is says I am! LOL

You are Dark Chocolate
You live your life with intensity, always going full force.You push yourself (and others) to the limit... you want more than you can handle.An extreme person, you challenge and inspire the world!


Diane said...

"I'm WHITE CHOCOLATE! I am sweet, caring, and truly very innocent. Whether your naive ways are a bit of an act or not, people like to take care of you. Your are a quiet flirt, and your power is often underestimated!"

I'm going to post this on my blog too and see how many different chocolates we have out there! :)

Diane said...

P.S. Check out my blog to see how many women are also white chocolate! WOW! Mike, of course, is the opposite - dark chocolate (hmmm... Haiti M&M's).

Cheri said...

It's almost scary how accurate the chocolate test is. That really does sound like you!